Thursday, February 26, 2009


I fall so much....

I fall so hard...

I fall....


The world says: "It's BROKEN, I can't use it." Throw it away.

God Says: "I can't use it, unless it's BROKEN"

God isn't drawn to full. Only empty. (How humbling). MY strength leads me to failure. The Mighty Potter, tells me there is weakness in strength and strength in weakness. (2Cor12:9-10)

The major misconception among us believers is that God is looking for strong people. God is looking for humbled, weak people who GET their strengths from Him. The strength of weakness always begins with brokenness. When is God's grace sufficient to help me? Now. Now that I look around and there is nothing left but the grace of God. God remove what else remains, So I trust only on You.

Stop looking at your weakness and focus on His strengths.

God has used some pretty BROKEN people to do His will. Misfits you might say. God has a habit of pickin' up nobodies and making them somebodies.

Paul was a killer,

So was Moses.

Esther was a poor orphan who God used to save a nation.

Peter denied God 3X.

Yet God still reached inside of them and pulled out only what He could.


Life has done nothing to you that God can't use. If only you leave it in His hands.

If you decide to make a difference, then God will make up the difference.


"My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made whole in weakness" (2Cor12:9)